At the intersection of geological history and cultural revolution: the Doorly House.
Once upon a time, the biggest flood ever, the Missoula Flood, sent water 400 feet deep blasting from Montana to the Willamette Valley. The flood, ten times more water than the combined volume of every river on Earth today, catapulted an ocean full of frozen fish and boulders into the region. The fish became our fertile soil and unequaled wine country. The boulders formed the ridge where the Doorly House stands.
You are looking at the Doorly House in the Tudor style. You can tell a Tudor by its steep roofs, detailed entry, and decorative timber in stucco.
The style is named after the Tudor Dynasty, famous for King Henry the VIII and Queen Elizabeth of Shakespeare’s day.
Picture this: in the 1920’s, movies were a thrilling new phenomenon, and mega stars like Douglas Fairbanks were the idols of America. In those days, the theatrical looking Tudors evoked action scenes in which swashbucklers captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. The best things in life are still handmade. Our team works with each property and client, tailoring every project.